Friday, December 30, 2005
These 2 days wherever I go I will just take a nap.. I can just sleep throughout the journey no matter where I go. And know what I miss my stop when I was on my way to work yesterday. The moment I board the bus I fell asleep. Thank God I woke up on time man I was one bus stop away from the stop that I was suppose to alight can you imagine I were to go all the way to Bukit Merah interchange can forget about going to work already. =P
Hmmmm bad day man.. Wonder what my face is allergic to. Its kinda itchy when I woke up today.. And got 2 terrible mosquito bites on my hand.... Where did all those come from man.. So sickening it just like to bite me and not any other people... So weird.
Time really files man... In 2 days time its 2006 already .... Am starting my 4th module already isn't fast?? Yeah this module sound kinda interesting we are suppose to do up a trailer of any film we like at the end of the module.. Interesting man.. What movie should I do man... SOoooo many movies out there.... Haha! Cant wait for this module to start sound cool.. Oh and because of this I need to get my comp repair because the software that are needed for this module I-suck [Haha only dawn know what this is ar] doesn't supports it.. SO dumb dumb... Alright guess I need to go back to work already. =p
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Its my personal toy shop. Its called eToyShop[deToyShop]. =P
Sunday, December 25, 2005
23 DEC 05
Celebrated mei's birthday had a very very very late celebration.. =P Both [peng & mei] have to work till quite late therefore it became a supper instead of dinner. Had a great dinner though. Bought pizza, cake and brought them to this place called "little-tikes the ship" to have our supper.... Haha!! Nobody will know where this place is except the 3 of us... =P Cool and romantic place huh! Anyway just one word to describe this day "GREAT".....
Friday, December 23, 2005
Gotta finish up my assignment by Tuesday, which is my presentation day. And I still got quite a lot to do.. Got to burn lots of mid night oil again. Have been feeling quite lost these days I have no idea why. Guess is because have been staying up late then wake up almost everyday with my head spinning???[that is why I don't know what I am doing??]Haha! No one can help me I guess!!
Christmas is coming 1 more to Christmas.. This year Christmas gonna be sooo different. Pple that you are with last year wouldn't be celebrating with you this year. Everything is just so different. The only thing that never change is to go over to granny's place on Christmas eve.
8 days more to 2006
3 more days to presentation
1 more day to Christmas
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Hai whatever it is, it just sucks. Wonder sometimes is being nice a wrong thing? Yes it does help someone but you will get hurt in the end too.. Like what for right make yr life miserable only.. You help them doesn't mean they will help you when you need their help. They only care about themselves themselves and themselves.
Even though I always say this but in the end I still help.. Pple only come to you when they need you when they don't need you they will forget all about you or maybe dun even remember you exist.. Like WTF right.... Its sooooo fake....I wouldn't say no more....
(Ps: am just saying how I feel at this point of time)
If you are wondering what have I been up to recently there you go:
26 Nov 05
On this particular day it was my last day with the NYPians... Coz I will be transferred to the adult's grp... Feeling kind of sad though but what to do you just gonna move on.. Had affirmation this is the 1st time where I had so many pple affirming me at the same time. There was a total of 6 pple who was transferring but not to the same place.
3 Dec 05
This is the 1st time that I stay at home on a Saturday coz by service is now on sun... Feel kind of weird like what am I rotting at home on sat? Was alone at home doing nothing but just watch TV the whole day how bored can it get man. =(
4 Dec 05
My 1st time to the adult service..Couldn't get myself to get up coz not used to waking up so early to go to church cum its a sun. Anyway I manage to get dress n go to church. But I can tell you tt I was still in my dreamland when I am on my way there. Hmmmm get to meet my new cg members. Quite a big grp though n my cg name is kind of long which I still dun remember it. It NG5A..... I think so I really dun remember... The service was different frm the teriary service. But anyway just gotta get used to it....
6 Dec 05
Meet this crazy Caucasian lady who scare the shit out of me n my fren. We were happily walking to bugis mrt station after class then came this lady who was looking at us the she "meow".... [at this point of time my fren looked at her].... Then we continue walking then we heard "I lost my family, I am a Christ follower I am gonna follow u" [that is when her voice gets louder - guess she is walking closer to us] The only think we can do is to walk faster n my fren was calling my name the whole while.... Crazy woman... hahaha!! We were laughing n walking at a super fast speed we dun even dare to look back to c if she was still following us... Thank God she stop.... I wonder what will happen to us if she follow will she pull a parang out of her bag??? .....
17 Dec 05
Its my mum's bday got her a soo kee bracelet... Kinda ex though... Haha... But its my mama so its ok lah.. Once in awhile. Went malaysia with her n my sis.. went over to shop for shoes, clothe....Most importantly christmas present? Haha!! In the end I got a pair of converse cavas which cost me only $30 n a polo tee.. Didnt get much stuff though.... It was so tiring.... So many pple ard.. But I got to spend a day with my family so its worth it... =P
19 Dec 05
Today is mei's bday..If you happen to read this article... Just wanna sing u a bday song here. This is how it goes...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Going for my interview later... As usual everybody stared at me for dunno wat....Eh btw i didnt wear formal k.....just u know u know....Have been quite stress with my assignment recently......Coz i have no clue wat to do for my assignment.... gotta design a logo cum name card cum letter head cum folder for myself.... SIANnnnnnnnnn
GONNA DIEeeeeeeee........
Thursday, September 08, 2005

Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Sittin' here starin' at the wall
Another lonely tear falls
I'm tryin' to write you this song
But I can hardly see the page at all
'Cause it's breaking my heart
When I look in your eyes
And I don't see me anymore
Oh, and you're all I'm living for
Baby, tell me that you still believe
That you still love me
The way I love you
If you take your love away from me
You know I would die
'Cause I'm not ready for goodbye (Oh...oh...oh...)
Baby, please pick up the phone
Tell me I'm crazy, I got it all wrong
I don't know what I'm gonna do
I don't know how to live without you
You are the first song
My heart ever heard
And baby, I-I believed every word
You are my heart, my soul, my world
Baby, tell me that you still believe {Still believe}
That you still love me {That you still love me, baby}
The way I love you {The way I love you}
If you take your love away from me {Away from me}
You know I would die {I would die}
'Cause I'm not ready for goodbye {Goodbye}
Every breath that I take, every beat of my heart
You know it's all for you
I wanna hold you, I wanna love you
Forever and always
Baby, tell me that you still believe {Tell me}
That you still love me {That you still love me, baby}
The way I love you {The way I love you}
If you take your love away from me {Oh...oh...oh...}
You know I would die {Oh...}
'Cause I'm not ready for {Goodbye}
Baby, tell me that you still believe (Tell me)
That you still love me (That you still love me)
The way I love you {The way I love you}
If you take your love away from me (If you take your love away)
I know I would die (I know I would die)
'Cause I'm not ready for goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
It isn't nice to feel left out, it isn't nice to feel sad, it isn't nice to be alone, it isn't nice to act as if you don't care about
something, it isn't nice to be at a place which makes you feel stress [though sometimes it good to stress yourself], it isn't nice to feel that you are taken advantage of, the more you expect the more disappointed you get, do they feel the same as you, hate it when someone say and doesn't do what they say.....................................
It just sucks!!! [will be alright in a few days]
Being with my family is the BEST!! Worries will be gone... All the laughter we have at home though sometimes is just crap or even just slacking watching TV is just as fun as any other things.... You guys really make my day!!! Though I wouldn't be home that often because of some reasons like school, work. You guys are always in my HEART! LOVE YOU LOTS........
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
# 1 Have you tried leafs before?
# 2 Have you thought of dying?
# 3 Have you thought of injuring yourself so that you don't have to go
to school / work the next day?
# 4 Have you thought of "What if this car is going to bang me down"?
# 5 Have you been bored till you feel like banging your head to the wall??
# 6 Have you tried a burger which taste disgusting [because you left
it there for so long that it turn so cold and you don't have a oven to
heat it up]?
# 7 Have you tried eating alone for more then 1 mth++?
# 8 Have you been so tired that you don't even have the time to sleep?
# 9 Have you live your life to the fullest?
# 10 Have you ever owe your "sleep" debts?
# 11 Have you seen a dragon fruit tree before?
# 12 Have you ever felt that you are so helpless sometimes?
# 13 Have you tried to forget something but it just seems to be in your mind?
# 14 Have you been in a terrible situation that you have no idea what to do?
# 15 Have you dreamt that when you wake up you are a millionaire?
# 16 Have you tired talking to a person and he/she ignore you?
# 17 Have you been hurt emotionally before?
# 18 Have you done something and it turn out bad?
# 19 Have you tried something different in your life before?
# 20 Have you ever thought of giving up on something?
# 21 Have you ever feel lonely?
# 22 Have you been to somewhere and you got lost?
# 23 Have you ever ran home so fast because you need to use the toilet?
# 24 Have you ever miss someone so badly that you feel like crying
sometimes? [because the person is no longer there for you]
# 25 Have you ever listen to a song and makes you remind of someone?
# 26 Have you tasted something horrible that even you wouldn't want to
eat something that looks like it?
# 27 Have you eaten wasabi before? [only wasabi]
# 28 Have you eaten apple with kaya
# 29 Have you been knock down by a car?
# 30 Have you ever tried to do something to the fullest?
# 31 Have you been on the newspaper because of some project?
# 32 Have you ever receive love seeds for birthday?
# 33 Have you ever been so poor that you only have 20 cents in your wallet?
# 34 Have you tired jumping off the bus because the driver just close
the door where you haven alighted at all?
# 35 Have you got your legs slam by car doors?
# 36 Have you ever wonder why are you doing the thing you do now?
# 37 Have you wonder why do people quarrel?
# 38 Have you wonder why guys like to have mistress where they already
have a wife / girlfriend?
# 39 Have you ever wonder why God give you testings?
# 40 Have you tried doing a lot for a particular person but he/she
doesn't appreciate it at all and find you irritating?
# 41 Have you experience a dog burping in front of you? [yeah and that is Fifi]
# 42 Have you ever wonder why God created us to have emotions?
# 43 Have you told anyone that you don't wanna lose him/her?
# 44 Have you cry to sleep before?
# 45 Have you injure yourself before? [like banging into the cupboard,
kicking your bed in the morning]
# 46 Have you tired explaining to someone and he/she doesn't believe
you at all? [that why i don't usually explain because they don't
understand you and its a waste of my salver]
# 47 Have you ever swim using a volley ball before? [i think is more
to float then swim]
# 48 Have you tried break dancing before? [manage to do "Freeze"]
# 49 Have you been to an outing where you think you don't belong there
at all? [something like not your cup of tea]
# 50 Have you make a joke out of yourself before?
Have you guys done at all these in your life before? Just bored so just type in some nonsense.... But most or rather of the thing i wrote here kinda happen to me or ever thought of it before. Anyway guess i shall stop... Not much brain juice left. Have been thinking of all the "Have you"... Hahaha!! Ciaos
Click here [Hope you enjoy this song "Have You Ever" - Brandy] =P
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Haha!! How dotsified can I get wishing myself Happy Birthday.... Anyway I am already like that why not a birthday song too.... Haha!! Here it goes den.....
HaPpY bIrThDaY to "U"
HaPpY bIrThDaY to DEN
HaPpY bIrThDaY toooooooo "U"
Lameness is in the air................................
Friday, August 05, 2005
Ohhh am going for FOP(Festival of Praise) with Diane cum Delia cum her friends.... Heard it was good.... Going for the 1st day.... Hehe... It from 5-7 Aug!!! Anyway what else can I say....Oh national day is cuming which means my birthday is coming tooo.... Oh man getting one year older again.....
Anyway I am kinda pack next week man.... Other then Monday and Tuesday the rest of the days I am pack with stuff..... Think thats all I got to say nothing much..... Will update soon.....
Monday, August 01, 2005
(In the toilet when I was washing my hand)
Fel: think they should put a kid sign outside door.
Me: Why?
(Then I look in the cubicle and burst out laughing)
Me: y is the toilet bowl sooo small (those are for kids btw)
Fel: lucky my butt small can sit.....
So we left the toilet... after that Shuling also wanna go to the toilet so we were teasing Fel n stuff while waiting for her, we tot will Shuling do the same thing as Fel...
(When she cum out)
Shu: hey why the toilet sooo weird the toilet bowl soooo small how to use....
(All of us just burst out laughing)
Hahaha!! This is NYP5 for yah...
After that we went Changi airport to have a farewell for Fel n Siyin....
It's was kinda dramatic though... We were crying hugging each other and stuff.... Look as if someone is gonna leave Singapore to study... (pple where looking at us) But the thing is after crying all of us are going to take the train home together... Hahaha!! Oh and the funniest thing is we are at the arrival hall... Cant act like someone is really leaving Singapore.... At first all of us was crying when i said that all of them just burst out laughing. Hahaha!!
Friday, July 29, 2005
Hmmm am super bored now... not that I dun have anything to do but just too lazy to do... Hahaha... Kinda stress also lah guess it because I am giving myself tooo much pressure?? My sup ask me to design a website (they wanna change a new look for their intranet) for them... Am suppose to design a few then he will pick from there I guess.... I wanna do a good job and yet I cant think of any ideas.... Afraid that I will not able to do the job well.... Coz I don't think I am that good... Sometime I ask myself "u don't draw that well.... blah blah blah you can do very well in your diploma you are taking now??" I really really wanna do well for this course.... Kinda care about the opinion the lecturer gives though....
Anyway I have started school have been going for classes but this is not the officially want yet because this is only flash courses (its a free course).... Learn lots of things though it very very tiring to work and study at the same time but I enjoy it... =P Going for class today again.... Will be doing up a website doing flash I think... Cool huh... Hehehe...
Ever since school started I am really pack (I only have limited time for myself, friends and family).... I only get to have dinner with my mum, sis like only on Monday then the rest of the days I dun really see them coz by the time I reach home they are already asleep (To: Delia Chua aka bird tong chia - now you know why when I reach home I crap with you non-stop Hahaha!! [Crap once in awhile at office no one to crap with Hahaha!!]). As for my dad I only see him on the bed sleeping...Hahaha!! Can I have an extra day??? (I wish) Gotta work every day Monday - Thursday (830-600), Friday (830-530) then I am only free like on Monday and Sunday (officially free day)... Coz Tuesday and Thursday I got school... Sometimes Friday also got school.... Yup sooo kinda pack.... Am just pack pack pack pack...
Friday, July 15, 2005
YAHOO!!! Going home soon its 510.... 20 mins more... Hmmm going to meet my friends later[piglet n Sharon nanny]....Hahaha!!! Its look as if I haven since them for a looong time but actually its only a week... =p
Monday, July 11, 2005
Guess where am I???Am at the office you muz be wondering at CPF can use comp and blog??Haha!!Not working at CPF already...Coz I got another temp job at science center as a web builder... It something similar to what I am doing during my attachment....Kinda bored.... I miss those times I have in CPF.... Can at least talk to my friends though am doing the same thing everyday...Now I am like alone in the office ok with another guy in the office. Guess which part of science center is the office located??? Hahaha!!! Just beside the toilet man...It look like a store room frm the outside....SO weird huh??? Tts what I think so... When the lady bring me to the office this morning I was thinking y is she bringing me to the toilet.... Hahaha!!!
Oh know what this morning I reach at abt 820am and I cant go into the center as I don't have a pass and science center is close on Monday so I have no idea where to head.... Kinda frm the security say I cant go in then a lady who pass by say she will help me look for the person-in-charge but know what after 15-20mins she is still not out yet... I look like an idiot waiting outside lah... In the end I called my agency to ask for help..... Hahaha!!! So malu....After awhile the person-in-charge called me... So I went up guess what she tell me?? Was walking pass just now I thought tt person sitting there was you... I was thinking then y nv ask me to go in make me wait till soooo long.... SO nice of her.... Hahahaha!!!
Yeah so this is what happen today.... The 1st day of work at science center... SOOOO fun.... * With a "" * =b
Friday, May 13, 2005
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Guess what is this man???

Haha!! Its a pot of flowers frm me n my sis to my mum!!! COOL? NO money to buy so gave fake ones... Haha!!

Is this cool?? Hehe.... Its our master piece....
NOTE: Hey mum thx you for all the things you have done for us.... Really blessed to have u as a mum.... LOVE YA LOTS....
Friday, April 29, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Hmmm today I dun wanna tok abt it anyway yest[Friday] me, Penelope, Priscilla and Moran went to job agency to look for job.... We went to a total of 4 agency... Haha!! Kiasu?? Just wanna get a job and not rot at home lah.. Hopefully I will be able to get a job soon... With a reasonable pay [which I am able to pay for my school fee] cum a job I like....
oh after that went to meet AP for dinner.... We had a great chat.... Wow it have been so long since we tok.... COOL.... Just love it... Oh and we went to this romantic place rite?? Scenery so nice cum soo windy cum got free show also... Hahaha!!After tt we went for ice cream hunting coz we got the craving for ice cream after dinner....Had a great time with ya... Missing ya already.... =p
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
This is how it goes: I was suppose to meet Pris at the control station... And there is this something tt ask me to get a copy of "today" guess it might be "didi" so as I was flipping the newspaper I saw an advertisement on "MIS" they offer something tt "Raffles Design Institute" offer and its like soooo much cheaper.....So I decided to just pop by as it was a street away frm "Raffles Design Institute"...
Actually I tot of popping by the center to get a brochure on what the course its like....As I was taking the brochure this guy came along he start explaining on the course cum how good the trainer is and stuff....Said something like the trainer has this n that award..... Blah Blah Blah![me and Pris was like kinda bored already haha!!]after tt the trainer did show us his work and it was kinda good.... Think we spend like an hour or so in the center man.... Haha!!
Soooo am really considering if I should go to this school as it provide part time cum I only have classes on Tuesday and Thursday.... Yeah so it really benefit as I can work like full time to pay for my fees.... Yup.....
Anyway after tt we[Pris and I] went to catch "pacifier" its not tt fantastic like some of my fren say lah it was ok for me only... Not tt funny though... Hehe!! Oh guess what after tt we went to meet up with Penelope and Brenda...Haha... Had a great dinner cum chat....Updating each other n stuff... And we are planning to go to this job agency on Friday together to see if we can get a job from there... Yuppie think tts all abt it....
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Hehe!! My 1st guitar lesson with Jo today!! Am very proud of myself at the end of the lesson coz I was able to remember all the chords she taught and the strumming.... Hehe!! But still got to practice more though!! I wanna learn at least a song by the end of the mth!! Hehe!! I will be sooo happy if I am able to do so lah huh!! Jo 2nd of may rite?? Haha!! Oh and char I will try to learn tt song for ya!! "Stairways of heaven" rite?? Sound difficult but I will try to learn it just for u huh!! Hahaha!!
Recently I have been studying for my test which on wed n fri[which had already pass] it was do_able... Then had care grp n stuff.... Really treasure the time I have with them [really]!!! =P I dunno how long I still can spend my time with them[hmmm sound as if I am going to die or something]hahaha!! Guess I gotta transfer to the adult service real soon but dunno when [I gonna start alllll over again].... =( time is running out huh!! The only way I can stay in youth is to further my studies.... But I dun have the $ to study[really wanna study but.... The situation doesn't allow me to do soooo]!! I think I should work instead dun wanna add anymore burden to my parent.... If I were to study guess the only way is to earn the $ myself!! Hopefully I could find a job tt is something I like...... Just gotta depends on him now....To guide me n show me the way....
Anyway my exams are round the corner 6,7 and 14th of April.... And know what I haven started yet!! WONDERFUL huh!! Just dun have the mood to lah!! But I got no choice got to do well to glorify papa's name!! =P YEAH!!!! Gotta start studying like tml already if not I won't have the time to study............
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Guess tts all I wanna say.... Wanna go n slp already... *YAWN* [Got to wake up early tml for lesson tml]...... CIAOZzzzzzzzzzz
Thursday, March 03, 2005
die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die
Friday, February 25, 2005
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Time files its almost the end of the week!! Hows yr ang pao $ collection?? Haha!! Mine was ok!! hmmm I realize this year's new year is just like some normal day meaning dun have the new year mood at all..... Not like when I was young, always look forward for new year..... But its good though coz can get together as a family......
Hmmmm next week gonna be stress week again coz my holidays are over.... Yup this week is suppose to be my 1 week holi..... So not worth it, its suppose to be next week but the school change it to dis week instead!!! Am back to tt school n tt same old course.... Wonder if I am able to complete the course... Coz for 1 module I didn't complete the assignment I hand in already!!
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
A friend is someone we turn towhen our spirits need a lift.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Hai.... Anyway I have found a course I wanna do after I graduate!! That is like so cool!! Its "Advance diploma in multimedia design" but know what its damn ex sia!! I got to pay $37,000 [payable in 7 installment] for a 2 yr full time course..... Die where to get the $$$$!!! Am suppose to do my assignment but my comp sux!!! It keep jamming up the comp!!! I am like soooo frustrated coz I was restarting the comp frm like 9+ to 10.... Hai.... Tink I will just do it in school tml!!! Its sux lah feel like throwing the comp away got sooo many viruses...... Another saddening / tiring day has pass!!!!
You Are 15 Years Old |
15 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Cool huh!!! Check out what type of personality u guys have. I got a B+ so not tt bad!!! Haha!!
You Have A Type B+ Personality |
B+ You're a pro at going with the flow You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer A total joy to be around, people crave your stability. While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity. Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done You're passionate - just selective about your passions |
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Oh GOSH..... I realise tt I get sick very easily this semester.... Am in school having bioinformatics case study.... I dun have the mood to do anything....Have been really very very slack!!! Having headache cum feeling giddy cum sore throat cum cough cum stress. After so long and I am still having flu. HAI!!!!! GUESS 2005 is just not my year..... I prefer 2004 can I go back to the past?? [what a dumb ques to ask... Of course cannot rite how to turn back time????]
I am not surprise if I become depress........
Monday, January 24, 2005
I am soooooooooo tired today!!! Can fall aslp anytime!!!! Tink 4+ then I fell aslp last nite!! After doing the project stuff I still watch a vcd b4 I go to bed!!! Just wanna keep myself busy!! Didn't wanna think too much!! Dunno is it becoz I didn't get enough slp or becoz I am sick I am feeling very weak....... Dun even have the energy to write!!! My shoulders are aching too!!!! HAI............ Didn't pay attention to the things ard me nor lecture...Practical........................ I am just like a walking zombie [tts wat I tink though]!!!
Its like 1am and I am still here[onlining]!! Got school tml but I just dun wanna slp!! Then msn cant work dunno wats wrong!!! Am doing sumtink for my project and the stupid com cant even save the document!! I am like sooooo frustrated!! I finish my stuff and it jam!!!!!! I got to redo every single tink again!! TODAY SUCKS!!!!!! Everything is going wrong!!! Cant something go rite????? Everything is just not doing alright having a very bad headache cum flu cum giddy I dunno what is going to happen next!!! Oh and I got a practical test tml which I dunno if I would know how to do cum I got 2 presentation and an assignment due next week. I haven started on my assignment at all[coz I dunno how to do!!!] CAN someone just kill me "NOW"!!!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Ahhh so STRESS!!! I dunno how to do my assignment!! Know y??? Coz its java!! I sux at it lah!!! But nvm God will make a way!! Haha!! Hmmm guess I got to go, time to go for lesson already!!! HAI.....................
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Actually I didn't wanna go to sch today also but no choice I got a presentation for bioinformatics case study!! It was like a last minute tink for me!! Coz my grp member prepare the slides until today then I get to see it!! Thank God for them!!! But the presentation turn out alright maybe Jo-n's prayer works huh!! Haha!!! Thanks for praying for me pal!!
Oh charly thank god for u too for listening to all my crap!! Thank u for lending me yr ears or rather eyes!! Hahaha!!! Always supporting me no matter wat!!! Aipeng too!!! Had a great time with you today though both of us are not in a very good mood!! =) But as least we have each other's company rite??? I had a great time with u and yr classmates!! Haha!!! No matter what just come to me if u got any prob ya!!! Ears always open for u guys!! =b
Alright guess I shall stop here!! Got a lot to catch up[for school]!!!Haven done my tutorial[ah guess wat I dunno how to do them.... Saddening]!!! Shall blog again!!! CIAOZ!!!!!