Having a terrible heachache now.... Feeling as though I am going to faint.... Sooooooo bored at work today guess what have I been doing?? Playing games and reading stupid article the entire day can.... How I wish I could leave this place asap I will get bored to death one day man.....
Ohhh am going for FOP(Festival of Praise) with Diane cum Delia cum her friends.... Heard it was good.... Going for the 1st day.... Hehe... It from 5-7 Aug!!! Anyway what else can I say....Oh national day is cuming which means my birthday is coming tooo.... Oh man getting one year older again.....
Anyway I am kinda pack next week man.... Other then Monday and Tuesday the rest of the days I am pack with stuff..... Think thats all I got to say nothing much..... Will update soon.....