Am feeling super irritated now... Can just slam the stupid radio on the floor... Its playing tt "bu pa bu pa by guo mei mei" again. What kind of song is this man really don't understand why pple will like it, its a song tt will spoil yr day man. Isn't song suppose to soothe yr mind n not make yr day bad?????
Hai whatever it is, it just sucks. Wonder sometimes is being nice a wrong thing? Yes it does help someone but you will get hurt in the end too.. Like what for right make yr life miserable only.. You help them doesn't mean they will help you when you need their help. They only care about themselves themselves and themselves.
Even though I always say this but in the end I still help.. Pple only come to you when they need you when they don't need you they will forget all about you or maybe dun even remember you exist.. Like WTF right.... Its sooooo fake....I wouldn't say no more....
(Ps: am just saying how I feel at this point of time)