# 1 Have you tried leafs before?
# 2 Have you thought of dying?
# 3 Have you thought of injuring yourself so that you don't have to go
to school / work the next day?
# 4 Have you thought of "What if this car is going to bang me down"?
# 5 Have you been bored till you feel like banging your head to the wall??
# 6 Have you tried a burger which taste disgusting [because you left
it there for so long that it turn so cold and you don't have a oven to
heat it up]?
# 7 Have you tried eating alone for more then 1 mth++?
# 8 Have you been so tired that you don't even have the time to sleep?
# 9 Have you live your life to the fullest?
# 10 Have you ever owe your "sleep" debts?
# 11 Have you seen a dragon fruit tree before?
# 12 Have you ever felt that you are so helpless sometimes?
# 13 Have you tried to forget something but it just seems to be in your mind?
# 14 Have you been in a terrible situation that you have no idea what to do?
# 15 Have you dreamt that when you wake up you are a millionaire?
# 16 Have you tired talking to a person and he/she ignore you?
# 17 Have you been hurt emotionally before?
# 18 Have you done something and it turn out bad?
# 19 Have you tried something different in your life before?
# 20 Have you ever thought of giving up on something?
# 21 Have you ever feel lonely?
# 22 Have you been to somewhere and you got lost?
# 23 Have you ever ran home so fast because you need to use the toilet?
# 24 Have you ever miss someone so badly that you feel like crying
sometimes? [because the person is no longer there for you]
# 25 Have you ever listen to a song and makes you remind of someone?
# 26 Have you tasted something horrible that even you wouldn't want to
eat something that looks like it?
# 27 Have you eaten wasabi before? [only wasabi]
# 28 Have you eaten apple with kaya
# 29 Have you been knock down by a car?
# 30 Have you ever tried to do something to the fullest?
# 31 Have you been on the newspaper because of some project?
# 32 Have you ever receive love seeds for birthday?
# 33 Have you ever been so poor that you only have 20 cents in your wallet?
# 34 Have you tired jumping off the bus because the driver just close
the door where you haven alighted at all?
# 35 Have you got your legs slam by car doors?
# 36 Have you ever wonder why are you doing the thing you do now?
# 37 Have you wonder why do people quarrel?
# 38 Have you wonder why guys like to have mistress where they already
have a wife / girlfriend?
# 39 Have you ever wonder why God give you testings?
# 40 Have you tried doing a lot for a particular person but he/she
doesn't appreciate it at all and find you irritating?
# 41 Have you experience a dog burping in front of you? [yeah and that is Fifi]
# 42 Have you ever wonder why God created us to have emotions?
# 43 Have you told anyone that you don't wanna lose him/her?
# 44 Have you cry to sleep before?
# 45 Have you injure yourself before? [like banging into the cupboard,
kicking your bed in the morning]
# 46 Have you tired explaining to someone and he/she doesn't believe
you at all? [that why i don't usually explain because they don't
understand you and its a waste of my salver]
# 47 Have you ever swim using a volley ball before? [i think is more
to float then swim]
# 48 Have you tried break dancing before? [manage to do "Freeze"]
# 49 Have you been to an outing where you think you don't belong there
at all? [something like not your cup of tea]
# 50 Have you make a joke out of yourself before?
Have you guys done at all these in your life before? Just bored so just type in some nonsense.... But most or rather of the thing i wrote here kinda happen to me or ever thought of it before. Anyway guess i shall stop... Not much brain juice left. Have been thinking of all the "Have you"... Hahaha!! Ciaos
Click here [Hope you enjoy this song "Have You Ever" - Brandy] =P