Am I thinking too much or just being too sensitive? How I wish I could be the "me" when I was in secondary school! Everything also don't know + cannot feel! Just hate this gut feeling I have always making my mood just change like that.
It isn't nice to feel left out, it isn't nice to feel sad, it isn't nice to be alone, it isn't nice to act as if you don't care about
something, it isn't nice to be at a place which makes you feel stress [though sometimes it good to stress yourself], it isn't nice to feel that you are taken advantage of, the more you expect the more disappointed you get, do they feel the same as you, hate it when someone say and doesn't do what they say.....................................
It just sucks!!! [will be alright in a few days]
Being with my family is the BEST!! Worries will be gone... All the laughter we have at home though sometimes is just crap or even just slacking watching TV is just as fun as any other things.... You guys really make my day!!! Though I wouldn't be home that often because of some reasons like school, work. You guys are always in my HEART! LOVE YOU LOTS........