Today is the opening of "Passion Of Christ".Watch the sneack preview yesterday with my church friends or rather the whole church!! Coz 80% of the seats were taken by us!! haha! Its an emotional show.You can hear pple crying! Esp the part when Jesus was torture n nail on the cross for us...... He is soooo "Wei Da" to die on the cross for us! Can't imagine the pain he has gone through. No1 can endure tt kind of pain tt he has gone through! Can't remember a show tt makes you cry? Watch this then!! Its worth watching man!!!

Whats happening today!!
Hmmmm.... Had my test just now!! Dunno if i can pass this time!! haha!! I failed the previous test! =( So not happening rite!! Going for matthew care group later!! They are going to organise this game called "Catch me if u can"!! Wonder wat is it abt!!Is it catching?? haha!! Can u imagine us running ard the campus!! haha!! Pple muz be wondering r they having a marathon or sumtink!! Will update with u guys again as wat the game is abt!! If u are not interesting of knowing wat is it abt then nvm!! hee!hee!