Wow really had a great conversation after soo long.... Was toking to AP yesterday or rather this morning.. We tok from like 12++ to 4 am. Tts long huh!! So engross tt we didn't know the time!! Hmmm... after the conversation I realize tt actually I don't really know the things tt happen around me...Haha!! Guess I am just not observant or sensitive enough!! Hee!! But I really thank God for giving me a friend like AP!! Coz she will tell me wat happen n stuff... Then I will like "Ohhh! Really I didn't know"! Haha! She will start saying "u everything also dunno wan lah! So not observant!" Haha!! If dun have AP I will know nothing.... So dunno wat I will do without her!! [opps abit the mushy] Haha!! Keke just wanna say tt I love ya lots!!
I guess HE change me!
I think God really change me in some ways!!!
I dun express my feelings! As in I keep everything to myself!! Only I know abt it!
whatever I feel like saying I will say!! Coz I scared I will regret!! [Eg, if I miz or love tt person I will say! But not in front of tt person coz I will shy!! haha] So I guess I improve!! Yeah!!