When to Zouk with my friends yesterday. You just have to pay $10 and you can drink all u want. Its from 6.30pm to 9.30pm. Haha.!! Some highly subsidised thing from SGH. So since its drink all u want my friend kept ordering and in the end all got drunk.

White Wine (1 cup)
7 Up Vodka (2 cups)
Orange Vodka (1 cup)
Slush (1 & a half cups)
How can I not be drunk right she keeps filling me with alcohol. Haha... The funny thing is we all got drunk by 9.30pm and that is when people start partying. And we all went "supper" – which is only 9.45pm. Lucky out of five only 3 was drunk. Cant walk str8, puke on the streets... but I was sober. Just that I laugh at everything and starts talking nonsense.
As for my 2 other friends one became super quite (gone home herself cause she couldn’t stand it anymore), the other became very weird. As in she starts talking very loudly actually is more to shouting. She keeps asking : WHY, HOW, WHERE.... So funny.... She drives everyone in the car crazy.... Hahaha...
End of the day there was no casualty, and everyone reached home safely...