I had to do OT yesterday to finish up my work. The “big boss” says I have to send out all the reports by yesterday. Then the problem is I have to help them do a stupid album for dunno which idiot who is leaving SGH. Have to go around asking them for photos – for those faces that are not in. Waste my time doing that by the time I finish that its already 4:40pm. How am I supposed to finish the report by 5:10pm right. SO have to stay back to finish up the crap. Do until very pek chek. Feel like throwing the report on the table and just leave and never to go back again. Do till 650 I think. Was testing out the office camera so took a few shots of my table. This is how my table look like yesterday.
Very messy huh but you think I care "NO". Haha! Messy means I am doing work right? Haha!! Oh as for the foots its a radio. Haha....

Haha!! I skip class on Thursday to go for my secondary school class gathering. Around 17 of us turn up. Was suppose to meet at 6 but most of us were late. It seems that a lot of people are doing OT. Do OT but no OT pay.. Not fair huh they should pay us. Haha.. Anyway we had steamboat at marina bay. The usual hang out place for gatherings. $12 eat all you want. Haha.. But I think the people there are trying to kill us or something the food there is sooo salty or is it because salt is very cheap?
Haha these are some of the photos we took that day.